Experience Life Change
That You And Others Can See

Helping you live biblical Christianity.


Hearts Like His is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where believers, especially those who have left the church, can find a new kind of Christian community and experience growing in Christlikeness without the man-made rules that keep tripping people up. Most believers don't need to discover their gifts. You already know what you're good at. You need more encouragement than discovery. The Sunday morning church experience just doesn't fit you anymore? We get it! You never wanted to leave Christian community, you just wanted to leave one model of it because is just didn't fit anymore.

"Being part of Hearts Like His has shown me what I was missing from my in-person church."

- Community Member

"I've been saved for over 40 years and have shared my faith maybe one time. Since being in Hearts Like His I have shared my faith 10-15 times this year!" (Man who called his hometown pastor, "I'm really forgiven in Christ. I didn't have to keep mowing the church's lawn when I messed up!")

- Community Member

"Because of Hearts Like His, what I've learned and the support and encouragement that I can actually do this I've started an online Bible study with my 6 grandchildren on Zoom. I'm teaching them what I'm learning here."

- Community Member

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